The Centers for Disease Control's (CDC's) "
Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health of U.S. Women: Data From the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth" (2005) is saturated with values that are alien to authentic Catholic teaching, including its MISlabeling of "
calendar rhythm" and "
natural family planning" as types of "

In spite of its glaring opposition to Truth, a friend recently pointed out that certain aspects of "
Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health of U.S. Women: Data From the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth" can be (disturbingly) instructive. For example, Table 53 tells us that, among women of child-bearing age who have EVER had sexual intercourse, only 3.5% report having EVER used Natural Family Planning.

Table 56 tells us that less than 1/2 of 1 percent currently report using Natural Family Planning!

CDC goes on to tell us that "
Among the 38.1 million women currently using contraception in 2002, the leading methods were the pill, female sterilization, and the male condom. This was true regardless of religious affiliation" (p. 20). As the CDC [mis]labels Natural Family Planning as a type of "contraceptive," one should certainly expect there to be a sharp distinction in such "
leading methods" among Catholics! How can this be?
The "Newly Minted 50 Year Olds" of the Class of 2009 are the first to have started first grade, after the close of the Second Vatican Council. Most of us received our First Holy Communion, just a year prior to Humanae Vitae. Few of us can recall EVER having heard a homily, which discussed the evil of contraception. We want our children and grandchildren to be led in the Fullness of the Truth. We have discovered or are in the process of discovering that the words of 1930's
Casti Connubii were never abrogated: