Saturday, February 27, 2010

re: "Tip of the Iceberg for Church-Backed Hospitals?" (National Catholic Register, 2/26/10)

Thank you for Sue Ellin Browder's disturbing - but excellent "Tip of the Iceberg for Church-Backed Hospitals?‎" In her article, Ms. Browder cites several misleading articles by "ethicist" Ron Hamels, who is now with the CHAUSA. I would like to add another....

Apparently under the watch of Hamels & Father Thomas Nairn, the CHAUSA released "Talking Points on Dignitas Personae" (While no longer posted on the CHAUSA web site, I was able to access the attached copy, via Google's "cache" feature.). "Talking Points" cavalierly dismissed any possibility that Section 23 of Dignitas Personae called for a change in how patients are treated, who report themselves to be victims of rape. "Talking Points" made the outrageous statement that "Plan B, the medication of choice for emergency contraception, does not appear to have a post-fertilization effect, given the results of repeated scientific studies" (Neither the Food & Drug Administration, nor the Catholic Medical Association> would concur with this statement.).

It should be noted that Oregon's brilliant and courageous Bishop Robert Vasa is the long time chaplain of the Catholic Medical Association. I prayerfully hope that his brother bishops will carefully consider his words, as reported by Ms. Browder: "If a bishop trustingly accepts that Catholic hospitals in his jurisdiction are following the directives [i.e., Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services] in accord with his proper interpretation of those directives, he may be surprised to learn this may not be the case."

The Beatitudes from "Jesus of Nazareth"


Use of Emergency So-Called Contraceptives in Catholic Hospitals for Those Reporting Rape

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