I greatly appreciate the presentation of Father Ashley and Father O'Rourke, in regard to Christian Decision Making in Bioethics. Their explanation of norms of Christian Faith & Prudence, norms of Christian Hope, and norms of Christian Love is invaluable. However, it seems that their work needs serious cautions - in at least two areas.
As I recall, Father O'Rourke condoned removal of nuitrion and hydration from Terri Schiavo. In light of Pope John Paul II's 3/20/04 Address to the Particpants in the International Congress on "Life-Sustaining Treatments and Vegetative State: Scientific Advance and Ethical Dilemmas," I do not know whether Father O'Rourke has corrected his position.
A section of this text on rape protocol appears inconsistent with Directive 36 of the USSCB's "Ethical and Health Care Guidelines" and the Pennsylvania Catholic Bishops' "Guidelines for Catholic Hospitals Treating Victims of Sexual Assault, rev. ed." Those documents stress the need for absolute care in ensuring that treatment of a victim of sexual assault is not abortifacient. Fathers Ashley and O'Rourke - at least in this addition [sic] - did not seem to stress such.

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