I wish to thank you for December 18th's editorial. As you note, "In the December 12 document Dignitatis Personae, the Vatican has condemned the use of morning after pills as falling 'within the sin of abortion,' and thus being 'gravely immoral'....Bishop Elio Sgreccia who assisted in the preparation of Dignitatis Personae, noted in an interview with LifeSiteNews.com last February that there is no exception for rape." When the Morning After Pill is given to someone who identifies herself as a rape victim, it is my understanding that NOT even an ovulation test can guarantee that MAP is not working in an abortifacient manner. Use of MAP thus necessitates acceptance of abortion. As you note, "Some have suggested that there is a Catholic exception to the use of the morning after pill when dealing with rape victims....in a February interview...the then-head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Bishop Elio Sgreccia, said that there was no exception to the use MAPs." Simply put, the Vatican does NOT offer provisos for the supposed "moral" use of MAPs.In my home state, & in the United States generally, revisions appear needed to the Pennsylvania Bishops' "Guidelines for Catholic Hospitals Treating Victims of Sexual Assault" (1998), as well as directive 36 of the USCCB's "Ethical & Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services" (2001), to bring documents/practices in line with what the Vatican is proclaiming. To use a phrase from our national past time, we need our hierarchy (as well as our local clergy & diocesan officials) to "step up to the plate" and proclaim the truth. No doubt, it will NOT be popular.
11/11/08 forward to the cardinal's secretary
12/13/08 forward to the archdiocesan respect life & family life offices