Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"Obstinately Persevering in Manifest Grave Sin"

In his follow-up letter to Senator Casey, Bishop Joseph Martino wrote: "It is...imperative that there be utter clarity when it comes to the teaching of the Church on matters that pertain to the taking of innocent life and the special responsibilities that fall to you, Senator, as a lawmaker to oppose abortion and other clear evils." Bishop Martino goes on to quote Cardinal George letter to President Obama, "A shift toward promoting abortion in developing nations would...increase distrust of the United States in these nations, whose values and culture often reject abortion, at a time when we need their trust and respect" <www.dioceseofscranton.org/news/BishopWritesSenatorCaseyFebruary26,2009.asp>. I applaud Bishop Martino for being so clear and forthright.

As you know, Congressman Patrick Murphy is a co-sponsor of FOCA - the so-called "Freedom of Choice Act" <http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d110:HR01964:@@@P>. Last Wednesday, a letter was sent to the leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives, urging that pro-life riders be retained: "If this Congress intends to rescind these riders, at a minimum the American people deserve a full debate with an up-or-down vote" <http://focusfamaction.edgeboss.net/download/focusfamaction/pdfs/2009-02-25_jordan_shuler_letter.pdf>. While signed by 23 other Democrats, Patrick Murphy did NOT add his signature to the letter. Isn't this an example of "obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin", of which Canon 915 speaks? If not, what would be?

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