Your current editorial <> inadvertently invokes misinformation against those in the pro-life movement who dare to speak up and go to the front lines! I quote,
- "If people committed to the pro-life cause wish to persuade those who do not share our vision, there is only one authentic course....Other courses of action include angry, hurtful rhetoric & tasteless gestures such as displaying infant dolls smeared with fake blood. Turning hearts & minds to see the reasonableness of Church teaching will not come about by screaming and grandstanding, but by listening and speaking respectfully."
Have you ever actually seen a doll "smeared with fake blood"? In weekly prayer outside an abortion clinic and annual trips to Washington for the March for Life (an incredibly peaceful, prayerful gathering of nearly 250,000 people), I have NEVER seen such! In regard to promoting the "reasonableness of Church teaching", I think that you would be hard pressed to find a modern apologist who is not already on the front lines of the pro-life movement!