As per the Preamble to the 4th edition of "Ethical & Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services" (ERDs) <>, these "Directives will be reviewed periodically by the United States Conference of Catholic the light of authoritative church teaching, in order to address new insights from theological and medical research or new requirements of public policy." Since the 2001 publication of the ERDs, there have been at least two extremely pertinent Vatican instructions:
- In 2007, the Vatican reiterated the obligation to provide nutrition & hydration to a person in a so-called "vegetative state" <>.
- Section 23 of the Vatican 's 2008 Dignitas Personae appears to necessitate that Catholic hospitals discontinue ANY use of so-called emergency "contraception" <>.
- Does St. Mary's adhere to the Vatican's 2007 reiteration, regarding nutrition & hydration?
- Has St. Mary's discontinued use of so-called emergency "contraception" (including for those who identify themselves as victims of sexual assault)?
As per Directive 5 of the ERDs, "Catholic health care services must adopt these Directives as policy, require adherence to them within the institution as a condition for medical privileges and employment, and provide appropriate instruction regarding the Directives for administration, medical and nursing staff, and other personnel."
- Exactly how are the ERDs & the more recent Vatican instructions presented?
- How is adherence ensured? For example, are you able to say DEFINITIVELY that NO affiliated physician or physician assistant is prescribing contraceptives?
Dr. John Haas of the National Catholic Bioethics Center has called for ethics audits, to ensure that Catholic health care facilities are adhering to Catholic health care ethics <>.
- In what sort of independent, Catholic ethics audits does St. Mary's take part?
It's disappointing that St. Mary's Medical Center seems to be behind the curve, in regard to Catholic reproductive health care services. Why can't resources which are available in Hunterdon County <> and NYC <> be made available, through Bucks County's Catholic Medical Center? With all respect, "holistic principals" do NOT equate with the specific protocols of NaPro Technology.
I have taken the liberty of attaching a brochure and application for this month's conference of the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals in Harrisburg, Pa! I have also attached a journal article, regarding NaPro Technology care. Will St. Mary's affiliates be taking part in the Harrisburg conference?