Dear Mr. Gianficaro,
With availability of "The Pill" having an ominous 50th birthday, "The Pill & the Pass" was indeed timely ( Unfortunately, you dropped the ball.
Though called a “contraceptive,” the Pill can prevent implantation of the fertilized egg in a new mom’s uterus. With the possibility of early abortion, just referring to the Pill as a “contraceptive” constitutes mere balm for the conscience.
It's not only pre-born children, for whom the Pill can be lethal. For the woman, even Planned Parenthood acknowledges risks of
· heart attack,
· stroke,
· blood clots,
· high blood pressure,
· liver tumors,
· gallstones,
· jaundice, and
· death
( If Planned Parenthood were not earning $136 million each year on contraceptives (, perhaps they'd also acknowledge the impact of the Pill on breast cancer!
The Pill went hand in hand with the sexual revolution. As per syndicated columnist/sociologist Dr. Suzanne Fields, "When the Pill gave women the freedom to join men in their sexual rebellion, cultural attitudes shifted radically. Junk sex was no better than junk food, but millions of men and women greedily devoured the empty calories. 'Looking for Mr. Goodbar' was the title that told it all" (
You somehow describe the Pill as a “godsend.” For what? For health? For Family?
· There are now 56 times more new STD infections each year, than there were overall STD infections in the pre-Pill world (cf, ( and ( Yes, I said that correctly – 56 times more new infections each year, than there were overall infections a half century ago.
· Americans are less likely to marry now, than in the pre-Pill world. Of those fewer who do marry, they are more likely to divorce. Kids are the biggest victims of such changes in family stability. As per Princeton University, “if the same share of children lived with their biological parents today as did in 1980,
about 300,000 fewer children between the ages of twelve & eighteen would repeat a grade,
485,000 fewer would be suspended from school,
250,000 fewer would need psychotherapy,
210,000 fewer would be involved in violence, and
30,000 fewer would attempt suicide every year.
In addition, child poverty would be much lower.
The total savings to society from greater marital stability would be considerable”
There are medically safe and morally acceptable alternatives to contraceptives. As per the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Natural Family Planning “methods are based on observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman's menstrual cycle. Couples using NFP to avoid pregnancy abstain from intercourse and genital contact during the fertile phase of the woman's cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid pregnancy” (
Methods of Natural Family Planning involve fertility awareness and abstinence during fertile times (if looking to avoid pregnancy). These methods are as “effective” in avoiding pregnancy as the Pill. One big difference is that its users have a 0 to 4% divorce rate! Oh, and by the way, Planned Parenthood (and pharmacies hawking contraceptives) receive absolutely no remuneration from couples who utilize Natural Family Planning!
Mr. Gianficaro, your references to Humanae Vitae strike me as derisive. I encourage you to better familiarize yourself with the workings of hormonal contraceptives, as well as the Catholic Church's teachings on marriage and family.
Moral Decision Making 101
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- A Truly Golden Compass
- Aquinas
- Even Masterpieces Can Have Serious Blemishes
- Father John C. Ford, SJ Deserves Better!
- Like It or Not, We are Still "Cooperating" with the Heinous Sins of Planned Parenthood
- NOT a Stand Alone Survey of Philosophy
- Not Only Unethical But Impractical, Too!
- re: the Natural Law (Bucks Cty Courier Times, 3/6/03)
- Remote Cooperation
- The Compendium of the Catechism, Part 3 (a study guide)
- The Courage to Stand for Truth
- Truth is a Many Splendored Thing
- “Loyal Dissent” or “An Overall and Systematic Calling into Question of Traditional Moral Doctrine”?
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- * A Wonderful Education About Down Syndrome
- * The Catholic Church & People with Disabilities
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- * The Catholic Families of Individuals with Disabilities
- * How should we proclaim the Good News to those who cannot hear?
- * An Ethics Chair for Springer?
- * re: "Prenatal Test Puts Down Syndrome in Hard Focus"
- * We Can Recapture the Spirit that Cherishes All Human Life
- * "Well Done. Good & Faithful Servant"
- * Cherish Children with Disabilities
- * This Book Needs 'the Church'"
- * Ethical Treatment of People with Significant Cognitive or Psychiatric Impairments: Two Issues

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(from page 1 of the NY Sun, 3/22/04)
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Remarkable resources discovered on YouTube & the net:
- "28 Days on the Pill"
- "A Baby Changes Everything"
- "Angry 'Dr. Death' on defensive"
- "Let's Talk About Natural Family Planning" (an interesting perspective)
- "Let's Talk About Natural Family Planning" (an interesting perspective)
- "Life Will Triumph"
- "Terri Schiavo Remembered"
- A Newsanchor Proclaiming Christianity as the Path to Redemption
- Amazing NFP video!
- Bonanza's "The Quality of Mercy" (1963)
- Brian Gail
- Catholic Annulment, part 1
- Catholic Annulment, part 2
- Dietrich von Hildebrand
- Dr. Daniel Greene Answers Common NFP questions
- Dr. Hilgers & Dr. Raviele
- Dr. Hilgers at Ave Maria University (May 2009)
- Grisez, Germain. Christian Moral Principles, Franciscan Press, 1983
- Grisez, Germain. Difficult Moral Questions, Franciscan Press, 1997
- Grisez, Germain. Living a Christian Life, Franciscan Press, 1993
- John & Yoko on So-Called "Over" Population
- Kennedy Protege Coakley's Opposition to Conscience Protection & Religious Freedom
- LiveActionFilms
- Mother Teresa Quotes
- NFP vs. Contraception
- Stop Abortifacients
- Symposium for Catholic Medical Professionals (includes Drs. Janet Smith & John Bruchalski)
- The Billings Method & NaPro Technology
- The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization
- The Silent Scream
- The Vatican's Archbishop Burke Discussing Canon 915
- Trading on the Female Body
- Truth Booth: A Window to the Womb