It appears that moral cowardice is the "reward" (i.e., result) of failure to obey God's Law. Leviticus 26 assures us of blessings
- "If you live in accordance with my statutes and are careful to observe my commandments,"
- "You will flee though no one pursues you....Those of you who survive in the lands of their enemies, I will make so fainthearted that the sound of a driven leaf will pursue them, and they shall run as if from the sword, and fall though no one pursues them; stumbling over one another as if to escape a sword, while no one is after them—so helpless will you be to take a stand against your foes! You shall perish among the nations, swallowed up in your enemies’ country. Those of you who survive will waste away in the lands of their enemies, for their own and their ancestors’ guilt."