Sunday, April 21, 2013

The People Running Our Catholic Hospitals and Why They Behave Like They Could Not Care Less

Your Excellencies:

In earlier communication, I have provided detailed documentation regarding immoral practices in Philly's Catholic hospitals:
  1. the paucity of NFP-only physicians, 
  2. "privileges" for IVF specialists, 
  3. "privileges" for associates of practices involved with "fetal reduction", 
  4. provision of information on "advance directives" which fails to specify that Catholic teaching must be honored - particularly with regard to provision of nutrition and hydration.  
Salaries of top administrators at our Catholic hospitals are astronomical:
  • Holy Redeemer ($732K), 
  • Catholic Health East ($2.5 million), 
      Mercy Health System ($1 million - plus Mercy Fitzgerald ($381K), Mercy Philadelphia ($481K), Mercy Suburban ($285K), and Nazareth ($362K))
In any field of endeavor, enormous salaries provide a clear temptation to maintain the status quo. And looking at the political contributions of some Catholic hospital executives (Try, for example.) could lead some to wonder whether they even share values consistent with Catholic teaching.  

The USCCB's Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (2001) tell us that, "as a rule, Catholic partners should avoid entering into partnerships that would involve them in cooperation with the wrongdoing of other providers."  Exacerbating immoral conditions at Catholic hospitals is the "cover" provided by incompetent presentations of "cooperation," which suggest loopholes....
There is little reason to believe that administrators of our local Catholic Hospitals will do anything other than provide lip service to Catholic teaching and go on with business-as-usual.  My prayer is that our archdiocese will honestly assess the amoral situations in our hospitals and follow Pope Benedict XVI's guidance:

The Beatitudes from "Jesus of Nazareth"


Use of Emergency So-Called Contraceptives in Catholic Hospitals for Those Reporting Rape

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