Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pharmacy ad updates

As per lists maintained by One More Soul and Pharmacists for Life International, all but a handful of pharmacies - across the country - sell abortifacients and contraceptives.  Bucks County and nearby metropolitan Trenton are fortunate to be home to the St Clare Pharmacy, which is self-reported to NOT sell abortifacients or contraceptives.  St. Clare Pharmacy is the only pharmacy in this part of the country which could be safely advertised by a parish.  Why on earth is any Bucks County or metropolitan Trenton parish instead allowing ads for providers of abortifacients and contraceptives?

  • The bulletin for one Trenton-area parish carries an ad for Vizzoni Pharmacy, LLC.  In June 2009, James Vizzoni told me that Vizzoni's did NOT deal in the notorious Plan B poison. However, Vizzoni's was dispensing contraceptives, including oral contraceptives which can act as abortifacients.
  • The bulletin for at least one other Trenton-area parish carries the ad for Vizzoni's, as well as for Episcopo's Pharmacy.  The Episcopo ad outrageously notes, "Also available FRANCISCAN MISSION ASSOCIATION Mass Cards."  When phoned on 6/24/13, owner John Berkenkopt would not acknowledge whether he sold contraceptives and other abortifacients including Plan B.  
  • In addition to Vizzoni's and Episcopo's, the bulletin for the same parish carries an ad for Olden Pharmacy.  In the bulletin for a 3rd Trenton area parish (not fully available on line), I have noticed that the owner, Carlo Benedetti, is indicated to be a parishioner. When phoned on 6/24/13 and asked whether he indeed sold contraceptives and other abortifacients including Plan B, Mr. Benedetti would not answer and instead ended the conversation.
  • The bulletin for one Trenton-area parish carries an ad for McGrath's (with the note: "Member of the Diocese").  In June 2009, this pharmacy acknowledged providing the notorious Plan B poison.  On 6/24/13, I left an extended message for owner Steve Zagoreos, in an effort to get updated information, but my message went unreturned.

The Beatitudes from "Jesus of Nazareth"


Use of Emergency So-Called Contraceptives in Catholic Hospitals for Those Reporting Rape

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