I am glad that that the National Catholic Bioethics Center did indeed publish Rebecca Peck, MD's and Rev. Juan R. VĂ©lez, MD's The Postovulatory Mechanism of Action of Plan B (NCBC Quarterly, Winter 2013). As you are certainly aware, they conclude as follows:
"We are thus persuaded that preovulatory administration of LNG-EC often has postfertilization or interceptive effects. Physicians and health care institutions, especially Catholic ones, have a duty to reexamine the available scientific information on LNG-EC. They have an obligation to offer the Holy See and episcopal conferences accurate information regarding this subject to guide their statements. The use of LNG-EC and associated rape protocols should be abandoned, because there is no safe period to give LNC-EC during a woman’s cycle when it may be efficacious to prevent pregnancy without significant likelihood that it will have an abortifacient effect.
In the words of Human Life International, I continue to pray ''that Catholic bishops and those who advise them in these issues will see the urgency of revisiting the approval of Plan B for treatment of women who have been raped. These women deserve the absolute best life-affirming care possible, and this care should not include drugs that only compound the violence already suffered by causing abortions.''