Monday, February 1, 2016

National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14) and World Marriage Sunday (Feb. 14)

As per the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, National Marriage Week is February 7th to 14th, while  World Marriage Sunday is February 14th - "opportunities to promote the great good of marriage and support engaged and married couples."  They have posted the first three of five FAQS on marriage with brief, clear, and enlightening responses:
  1. What is marriage? (
  2. What is sexual difference? ( 
  3. Why does the Church care so much about marriage? (

The Beatitudes from "Jesus of Nazareth"


Use of Emergency So-Called Contraceptives in Catholic Hospitals for Those Reporting Rape

Book & Film Reviews, pt 1

Book & Film Reviews, pt 2

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And yup, that's me!

And yup, that's me!
(from page 1 of the NY Sun, 3/22/04)

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