In your well-honed, forthright, clear manner, you and Auxiliary Bishop John M. Dougherty require the "four Catholic institutions of higher learning in the Diocese of Scranton to provide information on their student health services to have assurance that no practice is occurring which would be in violation of Catholic teaching" <,2009.asp>. While tragically sad, experience has taught us that the presidents of "Catholic" colleges and universities need these forceful reminders. Thank you for embodying the great love which dares to speak the truth!
Your Excellency, a heart-wrenching 3/25/09 letter to Dear Abby was signed by "Reluctant Witness in Pennsylvania", who identified herself as "a freshman at a Catholic university" <> (That narrows the letter writer down to being a student at Alvernia, DeSales, Duquesne, Gannon, Holy Family, Immaculata, LaSalle, Marylhurst, Marywood, Scranton, St. Joseph's, or Vilanova.). The young woman complained of being awakened by her roommate engaging in fornication. Your Excellency, that was certainly an assault upon this young bystanding woman! Please encourage your fellow ordinaries to open an investigation into this matter.
A very Happy & Blessed Easter to you & all the good people in the Northeast parts of our commonwealth!