Whether or not you agree with the actions undertaken by Catholic immigrants a century & a half ago, it is clear that the Mexican people are again under attack. Cloaked in a language of benevolence, International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF/WHR) has opened an assault on tiny human lives, on women, and on the culture:
- "When lawmakers in Mexico City voted in April 2007 to legalize abortion in all circumstances within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy,....The historic decision meant for the first time millions of women in and around Mexico City had access to abortion services at public hospitals free of charge....
- "By the time the court released its ruling in August 2008 that abortion would remain legal in the city, more than 12,000 abortion-related services had been provided—a number that indicates the impressive speed at which the public institutions were able to implement abortion services....
- "The dedicated work of MEXFAM, an IPPF/WHR Member Association for the past 42 years, complemented the ongoing public sector efforts....On May 10th, 2007, they [MEXFAM's board of directors] voted unanimously to offer abortion services at three of their clinics in Mexico City....
- "In 2009, the organization will continue to advocate for initiatives to expand and protect legal access to abortion in some Mexican states."

As fellow Catholics, I believe that we need to help counteract the well-healed assault against tiny Mexican lives, Mexican women, and the Mexican culture. Like much of our own nation, Mexico needs to be re-evangelized. I believe that we need to couple our prayer and support of Church initiatives with the support of groups which simultaneoulsy address human needs and respect Mexico's Catholic culture.
I've just heard that Bucks County's My Father's Vineyard, Inc (P.O. Box 267, Yardley, PA 19067) has begun working with a priest from Cuautepec, Mexico (a region of Mexico City), to address some of his people's basic needs. A Mexican eye doctor has begun providing pertinent information (eg., pupil measurements) to a New Jersey optician, Tom Vazzano. With Tom's time being donated, they are readying 101 pairs of eyeglasses for Cuautepec children and adults - each of which will cost only $25. We are sending our first $25 check to My Father's Vineyard, to cover one pair of eyeglasses and to honor Saint Patrick's Battalion.