As the author of the Shack tells us, "Something in the hearts of most human beings simply cannot abide pain inflicted on the innocent, especially children....Even in...a world of relative morality, causing harm to a child is still considered absolutely wrong." Amen!!! While I found some of the Shack's “theology” to be askew, I could not agree more about there being a near universal condemnation of hurting children. I believe that this near univeral condemnation confirms the existence of a "natural law," directing us toward true human fulfillment. After the close of WW II, Eleanor Roosevelt championed the U.N.’s passage of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, based upon that very natural law!
I'm eager to learn your thoughts about the Vatican's Dignitas Personae. Pope Benedict XVI recently presented a copy to President Obama; it's NOT a sectarian document. It utilizes the natural law and is directed to all people of good will. Its heavy reliance on the natural sciences negates the weak argumentation that the moment when life begins is a “religious” question - unknowable and sectarian. The natural sciences leave no question as to human life starting at fertlization/conception.
Dignitas Personae screams that each human being is owed uncompromising respect, and that all of us must stand with the weak and powerless against exploitation. Since you have identified yourself as my brother Catholic, I want to know whether you and our brother Patrick will be switching courses. Will your office insist on health care reform which EXPLICITLY safeguards human life from the moment of fertilization/ conception and protects the conscience rights of health care workers and institutions?