Saturday, May 7, 2011

Walking the Victory Trail to Protest the Pill

Monsignor Jim Innocenzi, Pastor
The Church of Saint George
1370 River Road
Titusville, N.J. 08560

Dear Msgr Innocenzi,

Misleadingly identified on maps as the "Janssen Farm," 1125 Trenton-Harbourton Road (aka, Bear Tavern Road; aka Route 579; aka George Washington's "Victory Trail") in Titusville is home to the Customer Communications Center of Ortho-McNeil Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC.

Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical is one of the world’s leading producers of “the Pill.” When you rightly count chemical and mechanical methods, Pharmacists for Life International tell us that there have been 276,675,000 abortions in George Washington's America, since 1973!

From the "Phillips Farm" area in Washington Crossing Park, it is a 1.5 mile walk along the "Victory Trail" to the "Janssen Farm." As that entire walk would falls within your parish, it would be wonderful if you or one of your deacons would lead us in a peaceful, prayerful walk on the afternoon of June 4th. Unless I am mistaken, permits are NOT yet required in New Jersey for peaceful, prayerful walks (If you know otherwise, please advise. Also, please see the attachment.).
Especially with tomorrow being "Mothers' Day," please prayerfully consider supporting and leading this effort.

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Use of Emergency So-Called Contraceptives in Catholic Hospitals for Those Reporting Rape

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