The "Janssen Farm" is 1.5 miles from the Phillips Farm Group Area of the New Jersey side of the Washington Crossing State Park....
To get from the Phillips Farm to the Janssen Farm, you can hike 1.5 miles on Trenton-Harbourton Road (aka, Bear Tavern Road; aka Route 579). This is the very route which Washington and his men traveled, for the Battle of Trenton....
( And the Janssen Farm takes pride in being on this road!)
Say, here comes the Janssen Farm now!
(Click the below image, to learn some of the products "grown," under the auspices of the Janssen Farm!)

Yup, this is one of the world's leading producers of "The Pill"!
As per Pharmacists for Life International - when you rightly count chemical and mechanical methods - there have been 276,675,000 abortions in Washington's America, since 1973!
Would you be interested in organizing a peaceful, prayerful walk from the Phillips Farm to the Janssen Farm, on the afternoon of June 4th? What -if any- sorts of permits need to be acquired?