- "I invite you today to join me...to Make Georgetown Honest, Catholic, and Better....I ask you also to curtail your donations to Georgetown University for one year....
- "On May 5, 2012, in a speech to American bishops, Pope Benedict XVI called on America’s Catholic universities to reaffirm their Catholic identity. The Pope noted the failure of many Catholic universities to comply with Blessed John Paul II’s apostolic constitution Ex corde Ecclesiae. The Pope said that preservation of a university’s Catholic identity 'entails much more than the teaching of religion or the mere presence of a chaplaincy on campus.'
- "For 21 years now. Georgetown University has refused to comply with Ex corde Ecclesiaie ('From The Heart of the Church'), and, therefore, with canon law. And, it seems as if every month GU gives another scandal to the faithful! The most recent is Georgetown’s obtuse invitation to Secretary Sebelius to be a commencement speaker....
- [Blatty goes on to of a 20 year old incident from the life of an admired Jesuit:] "the mild-speaking priest told us of a call the night before from his brother, also a priest. His brother had said, 'Tom, you have to choose sometimes — either you fish or cut bait.' Father King told us that he had decided to fish. And now, at long last, so have I. I ask you to join us!....
- "We may choose to file a canon action...seeking alternative forms of relief that will include, among others, that Georgetown’s right to call itself Catholic and Jesuit be revoked or suspended for a time. We will ask for lesser relief as well. Of course, what we truly seek is for Georgetown to have the vision and courage to be Catholic but clearly the slow pastoral approach has not worked. I invite you to sign the 'Mandate of the Procurator'' on this website so that I, and other alumni, parents, teachers and students, may represent you in this special and historic Church petition....
- "Throughout an undeservedly wonderful life, I have been guided by the light of my Georgetown education, grounded firmly, as I knew it was even in my youth, in the unmatched intellectual wealth of the Catholic Church. Each time I faltered, as I often did, that guiding light never failed me.
- "What I owe Georgetown, however, is nothing as compared to what Georgetown owes to its founders and the Christ of Faith, and so it grieves me deeply that my beloved alma mater is failing so scandalously in its debt both to the Church and to the militant Jesuits still buried there who gave it their everything; who made it so special for so long. It grieves me that Georgetown University today almost seems to take pride in insulting the Church and offending the faithful....
- "John Paul II exhorted us all to preserve for the Church the highest places of culture – our universities. Generations of alumni have long been seduced to “go along” by dinners, medals, and board seats (I accepted my John Carroll Medal too). We have all been negligent for too long: the laity, the clergy, and the bishops as well.
- "Please join me now in making Georgetown honest, Catholic and better!"
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- “Loyal Dissent” or “An Overall and Systematic Calling into Question of Traditional Moral Doctrine”?
Saturday, May 19, 2012
An incredible letter about Georgetown U from the author of "The Exorcist"
If you attended a Jesuit college in the 70s, it would have been difficult to NOT know the name "William Peter Blatty." Despite theological inaccuracies (i.e., The absolute biggest being that Blatty failed to make crystal clear that God is all powerful, and that God is absolutely victorious over Satan!), Blatty's "The Exorcist" was certainly a ticket seller. It was set in the D.C. neighborhood, surrounding Georgetown University. Though I can't identify which, I've always heard that parts of "The Exorcist" were filimed at New York's Fordham University - my undergraduate alma mater (In that film, the part of the young Jesuit buddy to the young Jesuit exorcist was played by a real life Fordham Jesuit.). In any case, William Peter Blatty is using his older years to spearhead a true battle against evil http://www.gupetition.org/!
The Beatitudes from "Jesus of Nazareth"
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