Monday, November 12, 2012

"Leave Reproductive Technology Issues to the Legislatures" (Times of Trenton, 11/7/12)

Gregory J. Sullivan has provided outstanding contributions to the Times of Trenton, including Remembering Fulton Sheen, the Face of Catholicism (7/7/12) and John Paul II's Catechism is a Thorough Explanation of the Catholic Faith (10/7/12).  While I am unfamiliar with the particulars of the legal proceedings to which he refers in Leave Reproductive Technology Issues to the Legislaures (11/7/12), he strikes the nail on the head with these comments: 
  • "A couple’s desire to have a child is perfectly natural; however, the problem presented with the explosion of reproductive technologies is whether all means to that worthy end should be available. The direction of this revolution is becoming alarmingly clear: Affluent couples, unable to have children, enter the reproductive marketplace and purchase all that they need: sperm, ovum, and womb. These 'products' are provided, of course, by the poor. (In fact, there is a thriving Third-World market in wombs-for-hire — reproduction outsourced.)."
Right in the midst of the "explosion of reproductive technologies," how ironic it is that the NaPro Technology of Dr. Thomas Hilgers has been largely ignored!  NaPro Technology grew out of Hilgers' clinical experience in teaching fertility awareness to husbands and wives.  With regard to addressing infertility, Hilgers has had astronomically greater success than IVF - without involving outside-of-body conception, so-called third party reproduction, or the freezing/discarding of so-called "extra" embryos.  Chapters of Hilgers' fascinating NaPro Technology Revolution also address his success in areas, such as Recurrent Ovarian Cysts, PMS, Postpartum Depression, Recurrent Miscarriage, Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Disease, Absence of Menstrual Periods, Male Infertility, Menstrual Cramps and Pelvic Pain, Chronic Vaginal Discharges, Unusual Bleeding, and Prevention of Preterm Birth.

Locally, additional information is available at

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Use of Emergency So-Called Contraceptives in Catholic Hospitals for Those Reporting Rape

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