I appreciate that you have left phone messages for me. However, they do not address my concern - Why on earth is St. Mary's involved with "Women's Health Associates of Bucks County" and NOT promoting NaProTechnology!
As per the USCCB's Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, Fourth Edition,
- "44. A Catholic health care institution should provide prenatal, obstetric, and postnatal services for mothers and their children in a manner consonant with its mission."
Is the spirit of this directive truly being observed, or is there an attempt to "finesse" it by saying that hospital-affiliated staff are not acting in a hospital-affilated capacity?
St. Mary's should absolutely NOT be associated with promoters - or even condoners - of contraceptives:
- "52. Catholic health institutions may not promote or condone contraceptive practices but should provide, for married couples and the medical staff who counsel them, instruction both about the Church's teaching on responsible parenthood and in methods of natural family planning."
It is deeply disturbing that St. Mary's fails to provide NaProTechnology specialists & associates itself with the "Women's Health Associates of Bucks County."
Are any of your practitioners or affiliates involved with sterilization?
- "53. Direct sterilization of either men or women, whether permanent or temporary, is not permitted in a Catholic health care institution. Procedures that induce sterility are permitted when their direct effect is the cure or alleviation of a present and serious pathology and a simpler treatment is not available.34" <www.usccb.org/bishops/directives.shtml>.
Can you provide assurances that neither St. Mary's practitioners nor its affiliates are involved in sterilizations?