John Patrick Publishing
1707 Fourth Street
Trenton , New Jersey 08638
Dear Mr. Gerlach,
As you are aware, I believe that Catholic parishes and institutions need to disassociate themselves from those who prescribe/ dispense/ market abortifacients and contraceptives. Yet, ads even remain in parish bulletins handled by your company, for providers of the notorious abortifacient Plan B.
As per your own notice to potential advertisers, parish bulletins are the "primary information tool used by parishes to communicate weekly messages and announcements." You remind those advertisers that the bulletins are "familiar and trusted," and that "Readers save and refer to their bulletins throughout the week." Further, you tell those potential advertisers that "Parishioners are grateful for your support of their bulletin and become loyal 'repeat' customers." Citing a University of Missouri survey, you report that
- "70% Consciously look at the advertising section of the bulletin"
- "68% Patronize a bulletin advertiser over a non-bulletin advertiser"
I have taken the liberty of copying the Archdioceses of New York and Philadelphia, as well as the Dioceses of Allentown, Brooklyn, Camden, and Trenton on this communication. As these dioceses appear to be where you do most of your business, I believe that they have the right and duty to be included in this conversation.