Saturday, December 4, 2010

St Jane Frances de Chantal, Easton, has a bulletin ad for an apparent provider of the Plan B abortfacient

Dear Father Radocha,

The below image is a copy of an ad in your weekly bulletin for the Bell Apothecary. In the ad, John Isaac, R-Ph & Kathy Kelly, R-Ph identify themselves as your parishioners:
According to its manufacturer's web site, Bell Apothecary is a provider of the notorious abortifacient Plan B:

I am curious with regard to the OB/GYN practice which also advertises in your bulletin:
Has it been verified that "Caring for Women" is an NFP-only practice?

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Use of Emergency So-Called Contraceptives in Catholic Hospitals for Those Reporting Rape

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(from page 1 of the NY Sun, 3/22/04)

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