Monday, May 27, 2013

"when conception already has occurred, certain substances used in 'emergency contraception' produce an abortifacient effect"

Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of NY and USCCB President
Charles J. Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia

Your Eminence and Your Excellency:

 As per Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, representing the Holy See, to the 66th World Health Assembly (5/22/13):
    "I have the honour to bring you the greetings and blessing of the Holy Father Pope Francis, who wishes this august assembly fruitful deliberations.

    "1. It has been duly emphasized that health contributes to the achievement of development and benefits from it. My delegation welcomes the resolve to prioritise health in the next generation of global development goals. The task before us is that of describing health objectives in an appropriate and convincing way. In this regard, the Holy See strongly believes that setting universal coverage as an objective of health and  development policy (A66/24), would be a surer way of accommodating the wide range of health concerns [emphasis added], which includes sustaining the gains made so far, as well as attending to the broadened health agenda.

    "Moreover, while acknowledging the close links between health and development, our delegation wishes to underscore the need for integral development and not mere economic growth. Health and development ought to be integral if they are to respond fully to the needs of every human person. What we hold important is the human person - each person, each group of people, and humanity as a whole.[1] The essential quality of 'authentic' development is that it must be 'integral' in that it has to promote the good of every person and of the whole person, that is, in every single dimension.[2]. Therefore both health care and development must attend to the spiritual state of the person as well as to the physical, emotional, economic and social factors that influence one’s wellbeing.

    "2. Secondly, Mr. President, within the framework of strengthening health through the life course, efforts are being made to save the lives of millions of women and children who continue to die every year from conditions that can easily be prevented with existing medical commodities. Thus Resolution EB132.R4, among others, urges member States to improve the quality, supply and use of 13 'life-saving commodities.' The Holy See strongly agrees with the need to achieve further  reductions in the loss of  life and prevention of illness through increased access to inexpensive interventions that are respectful of the life and dignity of all mothers and children at all stages of life, from conception to natural death. In relation to this, the Holy See delegation wishes to raise serious concerns about the Report of the Secretariat and the Resolution recommended by the Executive Board to promote the implementation of the recommendations of the Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women and Children. While indeed some of the recommendations are truly life-saving, that of 'emergency contraception' can hardly be labeled as such since it  is well known that, when conception already has occurred, certain substances used in 'emergency contraception' produce an abortifacient effect. For my delegation, it is totally unacceptable to refer to a medical product that constitutes a direct attack on the life of the child in utero as a 'life-saving commodity' and, much worse, to encourage 'increasing use of such substances in all parts of the world' [emphasis added].

    "3. Thirdly Mr. President, given the significant impact of Non-Communicable Diseases on both morbidity and mortality in all parts of the world, the Holy See delegation welcomes the proposed Global Action Plan for the control of non-communicable diseases 2013-2020 (A66/9). Moreover, we were especially pleased that the plan acknowledges the key role of civil society, including faith-based organizations, in mobilizing and engaging families and communities to prevent and treat such illnesses before they cause debilitating conditions or premature death. Our delegation is aware that Catholic Church-inspired organizations and institutions throughout the world already have committed themselves to pursue such actions at global, regional, and local community levels.

    "In connection with Resolution WHA65.3 on strengthening non-communicable disease policies to promote active ageing, the Holy See wishes to participate in exploring the various aspects of prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in older age. Already thousands of faith-based institutions offer aged care services around the world, and they are growing rapidly as populations age. Our humble contribution to this venture will be an International Conference, to be held in the Vatican this coming November 21-23 on the topic: The Church at the Service of Sick Elderly People: Taking Care of People Suffering from Neurodegenerative Diseases.

    "4. Finally, Mr. President  our delegation wishes to register its support for the Draft action plan for the prevention of visual impairment 2014-2019 (A66/11) and the related resolution EB132.R1 calling for the endorsement of the 'universal eye health' plan of action."
This is obviously NOT the first time that the Vatican has spoken so forthrightly on the issue of "emergency [so-called] contraception."  As per the 10/31/00 Statement on the So-Called "Morning After Pill":
    "the so-called morning-after a well-known chemical product (of the hormonal type) which has frequently...been a mere contraceptive or, more precisely, as an 'emergency contraceptive'....Only if this pill were to be taken several days before the moment of ovulation could it sometimes act to prevent [conception]....However, the woman who uses this kind of pill does so in the fear that she may be in her fertile period and therefore intends to cause the expulsion of a possible new conceptus; above all, it would be unrealistic to think that a woman, finding herself in the situation of wanting to use an emergency contraceptive, would be able to know exactly and opportunely her current state of seems sufficiently clear that those who ask for or offer this pill are seeking the direct termination of a possible pregnancy already in progress, just as in the case of abortion.... from the ethical standpoint the same absolute unlawfulness of abortifacient procedures also applies to distributing,prescribing and taking the morning-after pill. All who, whether sharing the intention or not, directly co-operate with this procedure are also morally responsible for it....since these procedures are becoming more widespread, we strongly urge everyone who works in this sector to make a firm objection of moral conscience, which will bear courageous and practical witness to the inalienable value of human life, especially in view of the new hidden forms of aggression against the weakest and most defenceless individuals, as is the case with a human embryo."

Yet, bishops in the United States (and the NCBC) act as though there were exceptions.  For example,
  • There appears to have been no rescinding of the 9/23/98 statement from the Board of Governors of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference (i.e., the diocesan bishops with the archbishop of Philadelphia as chair): "appropriate means may be used in treating the rape victim to prevent conception."  
  • As per a 9/28/07 statement from Connecticutt's Bishops, "Catholic moral teaching is adamantly opposed to abortion, but not to emergency contraception for victims of rape....The administration of Plan B pills in this instance cannot be judged to be the commission of an abortion because of such doubt about how Plan B pills and similar drugs work and because of the current impossibility of knowing from the ovulation test whether a new life is present. To administer Plan B pills without an ovulation test is not an intrinsically evil act.  Since the teaching authority of the Church has not definitively resolved this matter and since there is serious doubt about how Plan B pills work, the Catholic Bishops of Connecticut have stated that Catholic hospitals in the State may follow protocols that do not require an ovulation test in the treatment of victims of rape."
  • As per the Fifth Edition of the USCCB's Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care (11/17/09): "36. Compassionate and understanding care should be given to a person who is the victim of sexual assault. Health care providers should cooperate with law enforcement officials and offer the person psychological and spiritual support as well as accurate medical information. A female who has been raped should be able to defend herself against a potential conception from the sexual assault. If, after appropriate testing, there is no evidence that conception has occurred already, she may be treated with medications that would prevent ovulation, sperm capacitation, or fertilization. It is not permissible, however, to initiate or to recommend treatments that have as their purpose or direct effect the removal, destruction, or interference with the implantation of a fertilized ovum."
Even with testing Connecticutt's bishops maintained was NOT required, there is no way to be certain that "emergency [so-called] contraception" will not work in an abortifacient manner.  Aren't the American statements now clearly abrogated by the Holy See?  The Holy See did NOT offer a protocol for supposed "moral" use of this poison:
    "it is well known that, when conception already has occurred, certain substances used in 'emergency contraception' produce an abortifacient effect. For my delegation, it is totally unacceptable to refer to a medical product that constitutes a direct attack on the life of the child in utero as a 'life-saving commodity' and, much worse, to encourage 'increasing use of such substances in all parts of the world.'"

Thank you.


Saint Peter's and the IVF Specialists

Ronald C. Rak, J.D.
President and CEO
Saint Peter's University Hospital
254 Easton Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Dear Mr. Rak,

The below ad for the heinously immoral IVFNJ.COM is prominently displayed at the Hamilton Train Station in Mercer County, New Jersey:

Who are the people at IVFNJ.COM?

With what hospitals are "Doctor" Darder and "Doctor" Treiser affiliated?

Especially because of your exemplary programs, in such areas as Abstinence Education and Fertility Awareness / Natural Family Planning, as well as the Gianna Center, I am shocked and repulsed to learn that Darder and Treiser are affiliated with Saint Peter's.

Some argue that Catholic hospitals cannot refuse "priveleges" to any physician in good professional standing.  If that were indeed the case, it would beg the question as to why the (arch)bishop would even allow the hospital to be called "Catholic."  As Pope Benedict XVI wrote just six months ago:

The bottom line is that the "Catholic" identity of Saint Peter's is absolutely compromised by association with the likes of  "Doctor" Darder and "Doctor" Treiser.  Your web site disclaimers do not remove your moral responsibilities.


Monday, May 20, 2013

The St Clare Pharmacy Does NOT Sell Abortifacients/Contraceptives

Ms. Terri Rivera
Mr. Greg Wozniak
St Mary Medical Center
Langhorne, Pennsylvania

Ms. Rivera and Mr. Wozniak,

The St Clare Pharmacy Does NOT Sell Abortifacients/Contraceptives!  Before comfortably saying that, I stopped by the pharmacy and asked whether a prescription could be filled for a product which is a hormonal contraceptive.  After the clerk inquired as to what the product was, she was firm that it would not be filled.  Excellent!

Do you realize that this puts the retail pharmacy of the St Mary Medical Center in a group of less than two handfuls in the entire United States? (cf, One More Soul, Pharmacists for Life International).  Catholics in the Greater Philly and Greater Trenton areas need to vote with their feet and patronize your pharmacy.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Your Excellency - Please Stop Cooperation with Abortifacient Providers

When you count abortions from chemical and mechanical methods, there have been 308,000,000 in the United States, since Roe v. Wade (cf, Pharmacists for Life International ).  Your Excellency, most of the world's "leading" manufacturers of "the Pill" are either in your diocese or very close to it:
With its geographic proximity to the manufacturers of these poisons, Trenton bears special responsibility to be forthright and prophetic.  Yet your Bishop's Annual Appeal currently seeks matching gifts from Merck, Pfizer, Wyeth!

According to Plan B's manufacturer, you can "Enter your zip see which pharmacies in your area may carry Plan B One-Step®."  Unless it can be ascertained that the following pharmacies are NOT actually selling Plan B and are NOT selling other abortifacients and contraceptives (See One More Soul, Pharmacists for Life International), their inclusion in parish bulletins would be highly inappropriate, to say the least!:
  • ACME SAV-ON (multiple locations)
  • BOYD'S (multiple locations)
  • CVS (multiple locations)
  • EPISCOPO'S (multiple locations)
  • L C BOYD
  • RITE AID (multiple locations)
  • SHOP RITE (multiple locations)
  • WALMART (multiple locations)
At the current time, the bulletin for at least one Trenton-area parish carries ads for Episcopo's, Olden, and Vizzoni's (With unparalled audacity, the Episcopo ad notes: "Also available FRANCISCAN MISSION ASSOCIATION Mass Cards.").  The bulletin for at least one other Trenton-area parish carries an ad for Vizzoni's.  The bulletin for another Trenton-area parish carries an ad for McGrath (with the note: "Member of the Diocese").  While some other parishes may have inappropriate bulletin ads, they prevent the ads from showing in the online versions.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fathers Dooner, & Hennelly: Why Are You Carrying Water for Plan B Providers?

Come Judgment Day, how are we to possibly explain the scandal of allowing those who market in abortifacients/contraceptives to advertise in parish bulletins?

  • Fathers Dooner and Hennelly:

    The Bulletin for Our Lady of Grace (Penndel) still includes Penndel Drugs.  When I called Penndel Drugs about a week and a half ago, I learned that they carry Plan B for $39.

    The Bulletin for Queen of the Universe (Levittown) still includes Oxford Valley Pharmacy.  When I called Oxford Valley about a week and a half ago, I learned that they carry Plan B for $39.99.

    How do you expect your parishioners to appreciate the draconian nature of the HHS mandates forcing abortifacient/contraceptive coverage, when you are carrying such ads?  

  • Father Kramer:

    While I am not able to access the current bulletin online, the May 5th Bulletin for St. John Bosco (Hatboro) indicated a partnership with Shop Rite of Warminster.  When I called Shop Rite about a week and a half ago, I learned that they carry Plan B for about $39.  Does St. John Bosco continue to partner with the Plan B-providing Shop Rite of Warminster?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Please Take a Stand against the Plan B Outrage!

We often hear that there have been 50 million abortions in the United States, since the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. When you properly include abortions from chemical and mechanical methods in that count, Pharmacists for Life International (PFLI) more accurately place that number at 308,000,000! 

"The Pill" is a hormonal (so-called) "contraceptive."  We also know "How 'the Pill' Works as an Abortifacient"!  Most of the world's leading manufacturers of "the Pill" are based in the U.S. - most in New Jersey and two in the nearby Philly suburbs:

Only a handful of pharmacies in the entire U. S. REFUSE to carry these poisonous hormonal (so-called) "contraceptives" (See  MOST pharmacies (including those in supermarkets and department stores) even carry the notorious Plan B (aka, "the Morning After Pill, "Emergency Contraception.").  According to Plan B's manufacturer, you can "Enter your zip see which pharmacies in your area may carry Plan B One-Step®."  Entering all Trenton zip codes, one finds some very familiar names, as some have advertisements in Trenton-area parish bulletins!
      • ACME SAV-ON (multiple locations)
      • BOYD'S (multiple locations)
      • CAGAN'S
      • CVS (multiple locations)
      • EPISCOPO'S (multiple locations)
      • HERITAGE
      • KMART
      • L C BOYD
      • McGRATH
      • OMNICARE
      • RISOLDI'S
      • RITE AID (multiple locations)
      • ROBBINS
      • SHOP RITE (multiple locations)
      • SIEGEL'S
      • VIZZONI'S
      • WALMART (multiple locations)
      Plan B will soon be available over the counter to minors under the age of 17!  Please take a stand against this outrage!  Please do not allow advertisements from hormonal contraceptive manufacturers and merchants - especially Plan B - into parish bulletins.

      The Thunder's & Yankees' New Pitching Rubber

      As per the team's web site, "With the inception of the Trenton Thunder in 1994 came a commitment from the organization to be a part of the community in which it was established. The Thunder have lived up to this commitment with Trenton Thunder Charities, which at the conclusion of the 2012 season had donated in excess of $4.7 million worth of goods, services and monetary donations, through a variety of community programs."  Anyone who has been to a Thunder game over the past two decades can attest to the Thunder organization (Double A affiliate of the New York Yankees) doing an excellent job of providing wholesome, family-oriented entertainment.  Fans seem to particularly appreciate the contrast with the exorbitant prices charged to bolster super-inflated salaries at the major league level.

      In what should be a completely unrelated item, "Trojan remains the top-selling condom in the U.S. and a key growth driver for parent company Church & Dwight, also known as Arm & Hammer....The 80-year-old Trojan workhorse of a brand continues to release new types of prophylactics to maintain market leadership....This year Trojan is sponsoring an exhibit on the history of condoms at the Museum of Sex....The exhibit is called 'RUBBERS: the Life, History & Struggle of the Condom'" (CNBC, 7/13/10).

      On May 6th, the Trenton Thunder had their home opener in their 19 year old stadium, which has just been renamed Arm & Hammer Park.  "For Arm & Hammer, the promotional opportunities that will exist with a team that draws from a 100 mile radius are very strong, and the connection to the even bigger Yankees brand is an added plus....The Thunder get to partner with a national brand with local roots, raise their profile, offsetting costs to the bottom line and giving them a chance to enhance their fans with new promotions, many of which can serve as a trial balloon" [Your guess is as good as mine, as to whether a pun was intended.] (Trenton Thunder Stadium Gets Arm & Hammer Name...Not Trojan Condoms, Newsroomjersey, 11/16/12).

      Especially considering their claim of a commitment to charitable causes and their provision heretofore of wholesome, family-oriented entertainment, I find the new affiliation with Arm & Hammer to be an excellent reason to root for the Phillies or the Mets.

      The Beatitudes from "Jesus of Nazareth"


      Use of Emergency So-Called Contraceptives in Catholic Hospitals for Those Reporting Rape

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