As per the team's web site, "With the inception of the Trenton Thunder in 1994
came a commitment from the organization to be a part of the community in
which it was established. The Thunder have lived up to this commitment
with Trenton Thunder Charities, which at the conclusion of the 2012
season had donated in excess of $4.7 million worth of goods, services
and monetary donations, through a variety of community programs." Anyone who has been to a Thunder game over the past two decades can attest to the Thunder organization (Double A affiliate of the New York Yankees) doing an excellent job of providing wholesome, family-oriented entertainment. Fans seem to particularly appreciate the contrast with the exorbitant prices charged to bolster super-inflated salaries at the major league level.
In what should be a completely unrelated item, "Trojan remains the top-selling condom in the U.S. and a key growth driver for parent company Church & Dwight, also known as Arm & Hammer....The 80-year-old
Trojan workhorse of a brand continues to release new types of
prophylactics to maintain market leadership....This year Trojan is sponsoring an exhibit on the history of condoms at the Museum of Sex....The
exhibit is called 'RUBBERS: the Life, History & Struggle of the
Condom'" (CNBC, 7/13/10).
On May 6th, the Trenton Thunder had their home opener in their 19 year old stadium, which has just been renamed Arm & Hammer Park. "For
Arm & Hammer, the promotional opportunities that will exist with a
team that draws from a 100 mile radius are very strong, and the
connection to the even bigger Yankees brand is an added plus....The Thunder get to partner with a
national brand with local roots, raise their profile, offsetting costs
to the bottom line and giving them a chance to enhance their fans with
new promotions, many of which can serve as a trial balloon" [Your guess is as good as mine, as to whether a pun was intended.] (Trenton Thunder Stadium Gets Arm & Hammer Name...Not Trojan Condoms, Newsroomjersey, 11/16/12).
Especially considering their claim of a commitment to charitable causes and their provision heretofore of wholesome, family-oriented entertainment, I find the new
affiliation with Arm & Hammer to be an excellent reason to root for the Phillies or the Mets.
Moral Decision Making 101
- "Natural law" is Not a Defense of the Status Quo
- A Truly Golden Compass
- Aquinas
- Even Masterpieces Can Have Serious Blemishes
- Father John C. Ford, SJ Deserves Better!
- Like It or Not, We are Still "Cooperating" with the Heinous Sins of Planned Parenthood
- NOT a Stand Alone Survey of Philosophy
- Not Only Unethical But Impractical, Too!
- re: the Natural Law (Bucks Cty Courier Times, 3/6/03)
- Remote Cooperation
- The Compendium of the Catechism, Part 3 (a study guide)
- The Courage to Stand for Truth
- Truth is a Many Splendored Thing
- “Loyal Dissent” or “An Overall and Systematic Calling into Question of Traditional Moral Doctrine”?
Sunday, May 5, 2013
The Beatitudes from "Jesus of Nazareth"
The Church, the Culture, & the Treatment of People with Disabilities
- * A Wonderful Education About Down Syndrome
- * The Catholic Church & People with Disabilities
- * For the Deaf & Hard of Hearing: Their Lives are Sacred
- * The Catholic Families of Individuals with Disabilities
- * How should we proclaim the Good News to those who cannot hear?
- * An Ethics Chair for Springer?
- * re: "Prenatal Test Puts Down Syndrome in Hard Focus"
- * We Can Recapture the Spirit that Cherishes All Human Life
- * "Well Done. Good & Faithful Servant"
- * Cherish Children with Disabilities
- * This Book Needs 'the Church'"
- * Ethical Treatment of People with Significant Cognitive or Psychiatric Impairments: Two Issues

Blog Archive
- "when conception already has occurred, certain sub...
- Saint Peter's and the IVF Specialists
- The St Clare Pharmacy Does NOT Sell Abortifacients...
- Your Excellency - Please Stop Cooperation with Abo...
- Fathers Dooner, & Hennelly: Why Are You Carrying W...
- Please Take a Stand against the Plan B Outrage!
- The Thunder's & Yankees' New Pitching Rubber
And yup, that's me!
(from page 1 of the NY Sun, 3/22/04)
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Remarkable resources discovered on YouTube & the net:
- "28 Days on the Pill"
- "A Baby Changes Everything"
- "Angry 'Dr. Death' on defensive"
- "Let's Talk About Natural Family Planning" (an interesting perspective)
- "Let's Talk About Natural Family Planning" (an interesting perspective)
- "Life Will Triumph"
- "Terri Schiavo Remembered"
- A Newsanchor Proclaiming Christianity as the Path to Redemption
- Amazing NFP video!
- Bonanza's "The Quality of Mercy" (1963)
- Brian Gail
- Catholic Annulment, part 1
- Catholic Annulment, part 2
- Dietrich von Hildebrand
- Dr. Daniel Greene Answers Common NFP questions
- Dr. Hilgers & Dr. Raviele
- Dr. Hilgers at Ave Maria University (May 2009)
- Grisez, Germain. Christian Moral Principles, Franciscan Press, 1983
- Grisez, Germain. Difficult Moral Questions, Franciscan Press, 1997
- Grisez, Germain. Living a Christian Life, Franciscan Press, 1993
- John & Yoko on So-Called "Over" Population
- Kennedy Protege Coakley's Opposition to Conscience Protection & Religious Freedom
- LiveActionFilms
- Mother Teresa Quotes
- NFP vs. Contraception
- Stop Abortifacients
- Symposium for Catholic Medical Professionals (includes Drs. Janet Smith & John Bruchalski)
- The Billings Method & NaPro Technology
- The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization
- The Silent Scream
- The Vatican's Archbishop Burke Discussing Canon 915
- Trading on the Female Body
- Truth Booth: A Window to the Womb